
Available in: Bulgaria

You will need to have a supported Bulgarian Bank Account and register with ePay

Supported Banks:
Alpha Bank, DSK Bank, BNP Paribas, International Asset Bank,Postbank, Emporiki Bank, D Bank, UniCredit Bulbank, MKB Unionbank,ProCredit Bank, Investbank, Piraeus Bank, Central Co-operative Bank, AllianzBank, Raiffeisen Bank, HVB Bank Biochim, Economic &Investment Bank, DZI Bank, Municipal Bank, Hebros Bank, SGExpressbank, Corporate Commercial Bank, Investbank, ING Bank,Tokuda Bank & First Investment Bank

Steg för steg Guide

You will need to have a supported Bulgarian Bank Account and register with ePay

  1. Select ePay service on the ParisVegasClub Deposit Page
  2. Fyll i den summa du vill sätta in på ditt ParisVegasClub konto
  3. You will be redirected to the ePay website
  4. Log in to your e-pay account and confirm payment
  5. ParisVegasClub receives notification of payment being set up and a separate notification when the payment has been made from your ePay account
  6. Du kommer att få en bekräftelse från ParisVegasClub att din betalning har lyckats